Flag of Jamaica


USAID in Jamaica
1962 – Present

Currently priority goals of U.S. assistance in Jamaica have focused on promoting greater transparency and good governance practices; fostering Jamaican articipation in regional security; strengthening basic education; reducing the prevalence of HIV/AIDS; promoting economic prosperity; and decreasing vulnerability to the impacts of climate change.

United States Presidential Initiatives

There are a number of major initiatives the United States President has pursued in order to elevate development as a key part of United States of America’s national security and foreign policy. The goal of these initiatives is to assist the development of countries to end extreme poverty in the next generation. 

Democracy & Governance 

Combatting Corruption and Strengthening Integrity in Jamaica
Country: Jamaica
Duration: 2016 –2019

Project Overview:The Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI) supported anti-corruption activity is to build on prior CBSI accomplishments of combatting corruption and strengthening integrity within government and society and to ensure that national ineffectiveness in fighting corruption continues to be challenged.

Community Empowerment and Transformation Project II (COMET II)
Country: Jamaica
Duration: 2013 –2018

Project Overview:
Phase two of the Community Empowerment and Transformation Project (COMET II) seeks to build safer communities through strengthening community and civil society organizations, increase citizen cooperation and accountability, strengthen juvenile justice and at-risk youth programs, and improve community policing practices.    

"A New Path" - Promoting a Healthy Environment & Productive Alternatives for Juvenile Remandees and Offenders in Jamaica
Country: Jamaica
Duration: 2014 –2016

Project Overview:
This activity seeks to 1) prepare young women at the South Camp remand center and correctional facility with marketable technical skills, life skills, and individualized psychosocial attention to enable their successful reintegration into society and 2) assist the releasees from South Camp and Metcalfe Juvenile center in accessing educational, vocational, and internship/employment opportunities, while providing comprehensive case management for six to twelve months after release.

Development Credit Authority (DCA)
Country: Jamaica
Duration: 2015 –2023

Project Overview:
The Development Credit Authority (DCA) uses partial credit guarantees to share risk with local financial institutions in order to open financing for underserved sectors. 

Enrichment Initiative to Increase Literacy at the Primary School Level
Country: Jamaica
Duration: 2013 –2016

Project Overview:
The Enrichment Initiative is an island-wide Information and Communication Technology (ICT) partnership with the Ministry of Education (MoE) in support to boost literacy among the primary level.

Fi Wi Jamaica
Country: Jamaica
Duration: 2015 –2018

Project Overview:
This project seeks to capitalize on existing USAID/Jamaica and the Government of Jamaica (GOJ) endeavors and create new opportunities and partnerships in building public demand for the promotion of social change that will respect and protect human rights and dignity regardless of gender and sexual orientation; raise the quality of dialogue regarding inclusivity, diversity equality, and fairness for the LGBTI community; and support key stakeholders in delivering services to women and girls who are victims or potential victims of gender based violence. 

Social Enterprise Boost Initiative (SEBI) Project 
Country: Jamaica
Duration: 2012 - 2017

Project Overview:
The Social Enterprise Boost Initiative’s (SEBI) primary goal is to create an enabling business environment for social enterprises in Jamaica; and to assist them in transitioning their grant-funded operations into viable, profit-making businesses, which can support their social missions.

Transitional Living Programme for Children in State Care
Country: Jamaica
Duration: 2014 –2017

Project Overview:
The goals of the project are to improve the transition to independent living for Jamaican children leaving residential care at 18 years, and reduce the risk factors associated with low education or job skills, inadequate life skills and poor self-image. 

Global Climate Change

Caribbean Clean Energy Program (CARCEP)
Country: Jamaica
Duration: 2015 –2020

Project Overview:
The goal of USAID’s Caribbean Clean Energy Program is to accelerate clean energy development in the region, with special focus on Jamaica and the Eastern Caribbean.

Climate Economic Analysis for Development, Investment, and Resilience (CEADIR)
Country: Jamaica
Duration: 2015 –2020

Project Overview:
This project helps governments, the private sector, and civil society make the business and economic case for investing in climate change mitigation and adaptation. With CEADIR assistance, developing countries can assess, implement and scale up low-carbon, climate-resilient development.

Caribbean Marine Biodiversity Program
Country: Jamaica
Duration: 2014 –2019

Project Overview:
The Caribbean Marine Biodiversity Program’s goal is to reduce the threats to marine-coastal biodiversity in priority areas in the Caribbean in order to achieve sustained biodiversity conservation, maintain critical ecosystem services, and realize tangible improvements in human well-being for communities adjacent to marine managed areas.

Enhancing Capacity For Low Emission Development Strategies
Country: Jamaica
Duration: 2013 –2018

Project Overview:
The Global Climate Change mitigation funds (Sustainable Landscapes and Clean Energy) will build capacity within the Government of Jamaica and key private sector and NGO stakeholders to develop and implement a low emission development strategies (LEDS), as consistent with the USAID climate change and development strategy.

Jamaica Rural Economy and Ecosystems Adapting to Climate Change II (JA REEACH II)
Country: Jamaica
Duration: 2015 –2019

Project Overview:
The Jamaica Rural Economy and Ecosystems Adapting to Climate Change II (Ja REEACH II ) is an expansion of the Ja REEACH project which promoted the protection of rural lives, livelihoods and ecosystems through interventions that increased and strengthened climate change resilience.

Sector Reform and Utility Commercialization Support (SRUC)
Country: Jamaica
Duration: 2014 –2019

Project Overview:
The Sector Reform and Utility Commercialization Support (SRUC) Project’s objective is to put in place programming, which can be scaled up over time, to address utility losses and expand access to legal, affordable services by low-income communities.  


President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief

Project Overview:
The U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) is the U.S. Government initiative to help save the lives of those suffering from HIV/AIDS around the world. This historic commitment is the largest by any nation to combat a single disease internationally, and PEPFAR investments also help alleviate suffering from other diseases across the global health spectrum. PEPFAR is driven by a shared responsibility among donor and partner nations and others to make smart investments to save lives.

Support To The National HIV/STI Programme
Country: Jamaica
Duration: 2010 –2016

Project Overview:
The Ministry of Health’s (MOH) HIV/STI Programme aims to reduce the sexual transmission of HIV by targeting Key Populations which include Sex Workers and Men who have Sex with Men (with testing, prevention information, health services, and referrals to care and treatment.