Power Africa in Benin


Benin Energy Sector Overview

Only about one-third of Benin's population currently has access to electricity. The country produces only a portion of the electricity it consumes, relying heavily on imports from neighboring countries. Rapidly growing demand for power, estimated at 6 percent per year, has stressed the national grid. This, combined with dilapidated infrastructure and resource shortages, result in frequent outages and low quality service.

Power Africa is supporting Benin's electricity sector through the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Benin Power Compact, MCC's second compact with the country. The $375 million compact aims to strengthen Benin's national utility, attract private sector investment, and fund infrastructure investments in electric generation and distribution. It also supports off-grid electrification for poor and unserved households, constituting MCC's largest off-grid electrification effort to date.

For more information, see: https://www.mcc.gov/where-we-work/program/benin-power-compact