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Transforming Lives

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Young professionals gradually become the future of Kosovo's judiciary

With the support of USAID’s Justice System Strengthening Program, 16 recent law school graduates were given the opportunity to work alongside judges as legal clerks in Kosovo’s courts to help conduct research, draft decisions, and move cases through the system. In turn, judges serve as mentors for the next wave of judicial employees, while receiving critical assistance from these young professionals in closing years-old cases.

In Kosovo Farming is a bountiful business

August 2017— A city boy himself, 27-year-old Trimor Hyseni never dreamt that he would one day become a successful raspberry farmer and an inspiration to young people in Kosovo.

Scholar Inspires Kosovars to Travel, One Visa at a Time

Two of her close friends from university are getting married in India this December. But, unfortunately, Lavdi Zymberi cannot be there for them. Although she is an avid world traveler, like many of her fellow citizens, she faces a challenge: a very limited list of countries she can travel to. India is not on that list.

Kosovo Scholar Promotes Startups Through Alma Mater

Fusha is one of 185 Kosovars to win a scholarship for Master’s Degree study in the United States under USAID’s Transformational Leadership Program—Scholarships and Partnerships. Her time at Colorado State University studying in its Global Social and Sustainable Enterprise MBA program helped to transform her, both personally and professionally.

Empowering Local Businesses through  Access to Finance

Creating opportunities for businesses to grow in Kosovo is crucial for private sector development. One of the main challenges that Kosovar micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) continuously face is limited access to financing
