Flag of Haiti

Transforming Lives

Makendy Pierre, who participated in a USAID-sponsored internship, went on to become the director of a branch of Fonkoze

While working towards his degree in finance from Haiti’s Quisqueya University, Makendy Pierre participated in a USAID-sponsored internship in microfinance.

Through a Haitian credit cooperative, coffee grower Estiverne Michel-Ange (left) had access to credit to support his crops.

Coffee grower Estiverne Michel-Ange, a client of a rural savings and credit cooperative, has seen the benefits of USAID’s support to the cooperative to design loan products for coffee producers in Haiti’s Department of Centre.

Caisse members display their new biometric ID cards
In Haiti, where there is significant unmet demand for financial services in rural areas, USAID-supported technology is beginning to expand outreach, improve the quality and diversity of financial services available to rural people, and increase the financial flow between towns and rural areas.
Photo of a building in Port-au-Prince's Fort National neighborhood.

In Port-au-Prince’s Fort National neighborhood, the January 12, 2010, earthquake destroyed all six health clinics, severely damaged 78 percent of schools, and left an estimated 80 percent of residences structurally unsafe for habitation.
