Flag of Haiti

Transforming Lives

Michel Dorlean is the president of a flower growers’ association in Furcy, Haiti, that is using efficient drip-irrigation greenh

Michel Dorlean, a Haitian horticulturalist, grew up learning the family business of planting and growing flowers on hillside plots in his mountainous hometown of Furcy. Despite all the intensive work that goes into cultivating flowers, Dorlean and many other local flower producers struggled each year to reach their full earning potential. Today, thanks to assistance from Feed the Future, Dorlean is the president of a flower growers’ association in Furcy that generates US$18,000 per year. The project, implemented through USAID, is teaching smallholder farmers like Dorlean and his association how to use greenhouse agriculture to produce a higher quantity and quality of crops on smaller areas of land. 

Kétia Jean Juste learns culinary arts techniques which provide skills to increase her family's income.

Orphan support is an important component of the USAID-funded Community HIV/AIDS Mobilization Program, known as CHAMP, which has, since 2009, delivered to nearly 8,000 orphans and vulnerable children a wide range of services such as education - school fees, life skills training through youth clubs, recreational activities, vocational training, emotional support, legal support - provision of birth certificates; referral of sick children to health facilities and follow-up home visits.

Municipal agents conduct a survey as part of the effort to update St. Marc's property tax roll

Haiti struggles to raise tax revenue. In fact, the country has one of the world’s lowest percentages of tax receipts as a share of GDP, at approximately 9 percent. This hinders the ability of municipalities to provide basic public services, such as waste management. With an expanded tax base, the Haitian Government seeks to improve the quality and scope of its services and decrease dependency on foreign aid.

Farmers from the village of Cajun in Haiti raise rabbits as part of USAID-sponsored Farmer to Farmer program.
Farmer to Farmer volunteer Dr. James McNitt climbed two hours to reach the site of his rabbit production assignment in the remote mountain village of Cajun in Haiti. Families in this region earn an average of less than $300 a year.
USAID CASS scholars gain technical education, job training, and leadership skills in communities of Mexico, Central America, and
Pierrot Marcel was born in Jeremie, an isolated town in western Haiti where services, supplies, and communication lines with the urban centers are scarce. Children rarely finish secondary school and many depend on menial jobs to survive. The average income ranges from $90-$300 per year.
