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(188k) Malaria Fact Sheet
Malaria is a major public health problem in Kenya. Due to altitude, rainfall patterns and temperature, about 70 percent of the Kenyan population is at risk for malaria. The disease accounts for about 18 percent of outpatient consultations and 6 percent of hospital admissions.
The 2014 Demographic and Health Survey showed Kenyan progress in the fight against malaria, contrasted to the 2008/2009 survey. The 2014 survey showed a 3 percent increase in Kenyan households who owned at least one insecticide-treated net (ITN) – from 56 to 59 percent. Fifty- four percent of children under the age of 5 and 51 percent of pregnant women age 15-49 slept under an ITN the night before the survey, increasing from 47 and 49 percent in 2008-09, respectively.
Kenya is a focus country for the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative, which supports efforts by USAID and other key U. S. Government partners, in collaboration with the Government of Kenya, to expand malaria prevention and treatment measures. Since the launch of the initiative in 2008, the United States Government has invested more than $221 million in prevention and treatment services in Kenya. USAID also works closely with the National Malaria Control Program and counties to implement the national malaria strategy, promotes ITN use, and educates the public on the importance of prompt diagnosis and treatment for fever, particularly among pregnant women.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016 - 11:30am
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